a GRASSROOTS move to bring back all 7 (with Paul in spirit) and COMPLETE the rainbow

Hand Drawn Rays

Can you answer these questions?

Here are questions pertaining to Hannah and the S Club situation. Feel free to answer any that lights a spark! Many of these came from other fans who aren’t afraid to see the other side of the coin.

When did they mention Hannah wasnt joining because of Paul’s death? Send a direct quote or video.

If Hannah is just grieving? Why do the others act like she doesnt exist? Whats wrong with grieving? Why not simply say it? Why avoid questions?

Why does Rachel look at Jo nervously in the eyes first interview they did together after Hannah was out? And explain the body language of Jon when they asked about Hannah. Why not just calmly explain “Hannah is grieving” if this the true reason?

How come Hannah hasn’t spoken out at all? She would never do something without releasing some kind of press release. Especially with something as simple and natural as grief.

Why did Jon block everyone mentioning Hannah?

Send proof that Hannah, nor the others are under a Gag order. If you cannot find proof then how can it not be a possibility that there is a gag order in place?

Why did he (Jon) completely avoid the question about Hannah? Is she welcomed? “We’re doing 12 dates. Go buy your tickets!”

Have QUESTIONS, answers or are looking to meet like minded people? Join our discord. We allow open discussions in a safe enviroment!

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